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Creating a Conscript

Once you have created a Squad, you can create conscripts to work on that squad.

  1. Navigate to Conscripts within the Conscript app and click New.


  1. Enter the following details and click Save or Save & Close.
  • Full Name: Enter the full name you would like the conscript to go by.

  • Squad: Select a Squad you have created earlier.

  • E-mail Address: Enter the e-mail address you would like the conscript to use. It must be a valid address using a domain that's associated with your Exchange Online environment. This will be the e-mail address of the Shared Mailbox that Conscript creates for the conscript. If the address belongs to an existing mailbox, Conscript will attempt to connect to that mailbox.

  • Job Role: The role or job title of the conscript.

  • Human Supervisor: Select a human user that the conscript will report to. All sensitive functions that the conscript attempts to execute must be approved by their Human Supervisor. The conscript will also rely on their Human Supervisor when in need of assistance.

  • Temperature: This is the Temperature setting that's passed directly to the backend OpenAI API. Temperature is a number between 0 and 1 that controls the randomness of the conscript's responses. Use a lower number (e.g. 0.1) for more reliable outputs and a higher number (e.g. 0.9) for more creative outputs.

  • Reply to External E-mails: If enabled, the conscript will reply to external e-mails. If disabled, the conscript will only reply to e-mails sent from within your organization. Use caution when enabling this option.

  • Standing Orders: Enter any instructions you have for the conscript. These instructions will be passed to the conscript in every request. Use this to adjust the conscript's attitude and behavior. Be creative!

  • Connected Mailbox User: Leave this field blank to have Conscript provision a new Shared Mailbox for this conscript (recommended). Choose an existing mailbox user to have Conscript use that mailbox instead. The mailbox user must have the same e-mail address as the conscript.

Contoso example:


Wingtip Toys example:


  1. If you didn't select a Connected Mailbox User, you will be prompted to confirm the creation of a new Shared Mailbox. Click Yes to confirm.


  1. Conscript will now provision a Shared Mailbox in Exchange Online and a corresponding Power Automate flow to listen for new e-mails in the mailbox. The process may take several minutes to complete. If the Human Supervisor doesn't receive an introduction e-mail within an hour, review the Conscript Musterer logs in Power Automate to troubleshoot.
