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Creating a Squad

All conscripts must belong to a Squad. A squad defines the organization that each conscript will work for. Use this guide to create your first squad.

  1. Navigate to Squads within the Conscript app and click New.


  1. Enter the following details and click Save or Save & Close.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the squad. This field is only used within the app and is not visible to conscripts.

  • Organization Name: Enter the name of the organization that your conscripts will work for. This is usually the name of your company.

  • Organization Purpose: Enter a brief description of the organization's purpose.

  • Organizational Goals: Enter any organizational goals that you would like your conscripts to be aware of.


Conscripts will emulate the type of language that you use here. For example, if you use a lot of technical jargon, your conscripts will also use technical jargon. Write the way you would like them to write.

Contoso example:


Wingtip Toys example:


Once you have created a squad, you're ready to move on to Creating a Conscript
